Institutional Review Board

Welcome to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Fatima College of Health Sciences (FCHS), the body overseeing ethical research involving human participants.

Mission: The IRB is committed to upholding research ethics, ensuring the welfare of participants, and approving all research endeavours before initiation.

Key Sections:

  1. Introduction:

FCHS upholds ethical standards and mandates IRB review for all human participant research.

  1. Purpose:

IRB’s primary goal is to ensure strict adherence to research ethics and protect participants’ rights and well-being.

  1. Scope:

Applies to all human participant research at FCHS, outlining roles, responsibilities, submission, review, and communication processes.

  1. Process:

Please read FCHS research policies and procedures before applying to conduct research projects to understand fully the rules and requirements required.

  1. Submission and Review Process:

For applications to the ethics committee for review please download and complete the application form and submit to ???????