Dr. Saher Al Sabbah (Innovation Lead)

Fatima College of Health Sciences (FCHS) has distinguished itself through best practices and innovative workshops that drive health sciences education forward. FCHS has prioritized the integration of advanced technologies, such as high-tech simulation labs, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR), providing students with pioneering, hands-on learning experiences. The college hosts regular innovation workshops, where students and faculty collaborate on the latest advancements in healthcare technology and practices, including artificial intelligence, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and creative problem-solving.



These workshops often feature experts from various fields, promoting interdisciplinary learning and ensuring that participants are exposed to the latest industry trends and best practices. Additionally, FCHS has developed a vast network in the field of innovation with its partners and stakeholders under the umbrella of Abu Dhabi Centre of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ACTVET), positioning itself as the premier choice for UAE citizens seeking education in healthcare. The emphasis on research and development is strong, with collaborative projects involving national and international healthcare institutions and universities, encouraging both faculty and student-led research. Community engagement remains a key focus, with health campaigns and partnerships with healthcare providers offering students real-world experience.

Continuous professional development is facilitated through regular faculty training and lifelong learning opportunities, ensuring that educators and healthcare professionals stay at the cutting edge of their fields. These initiatives collectively enhance FCHS’s reputation as a leader in healthcare education, preparing students to excel in a rapidly evolving healthcare environment.

Dr. Manal Buabeid (CPD Lead)

Dr. Manal Buabeid is the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Lead at FCHS. In this role, Dr. Manal is dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional growth among our faculty and staff. By designing and implementing effective CPD programs, Dr. Manal ensures that our team remains at the forefront of educational excellence and innovation. We invite you to join us in this exciting journey of professional development and lifelong learning.


Dr. Manal Buabeid brings a distinguished career in teaching, research, and service. She is an accomplished faculty member recognized for her expertise in pharmacology and therapeutics. Holding a Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Therapeutics from Auburn University, USA, Dr. Manal has actively contributed to academia in various capacities, including leadership roles. Dr. Manal’s commitment to advancing pharmaceutical education has been recognized through prestigious accolades, including the American Federation of Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Award. We are confident that under her leadership, our CPD programs will continue to thrive and contribute significantly to the professional development of our faculty and staff.